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The Brothers in Tech

Do you find yourself serving as the go-to “I.T.” person in your family? Or are you someone that tends to call other family members for technical support and would rather learn things on your own? Brothers in Tech is a weekly podcast focusing on home technology and provides help to the “default family IT person”. Hosted by Alan & Brian Jackson, a new topic will be discussed each month (main episode) followed by 3 weekly “deep dive” episodes (the B-sides) with additional information. Whether you are the person who everyone calls for tech support, are the person who is doing the calling, or simply interested in technology…this podcast is for you!

Latest Posts

To-Do List Apps

If you are anything like us, you have what seems to be a never-ending list of things to do. How do you keep track of it all? Sticky note? Write on your palm? String on the finger? Whatever the method…if it isn’t working for you, it might be time to look for a creative solution. Although we can’t guarantee any of them will be the solution you are looking for, the Brothers provide you with a few new approaches to

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iOS 17 Features

Well, it has been a while…but the Brothers are back. No, Alan’s beard has not grown any longer…and Brian still doesn’t have hair. But, they do have opinions! Watch/listen as the Brothers break down their initial thoughts on Apple’s iOS 17 release. Are there any show-stopper features? Any issues/concerns with upgrading? Any hidden features that you may need to search to find? You will hear about widgets, passwords, voicemail, AirTag sharing, Recovery/Legacy contacts, and more. Plus, you get to meet Beverly…and

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Introducing BYTES

To our busy fan base…we hear you. The Brothers tend to talk…and talk. We know that some of you love to hear us ramble on and deep dive into our tech topics…but we also know that sometimes you just want a quick BYTE (you see what we did there?) of tech information that you can consume on your breaks. Well, let us introduce you to the Brothers in Tech BYTES. In addition to our regular rambling episodes…we are going to be

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Updates…and Murals?

After a couple of weeks of testing out the new messaging, browser, email, and social apps we presented in the previous episode(s), the Brothers are back to give their verdicts. Which apps are still in the regular rotation, and which have been moving to app purgatory and why? Most importantly…are any of them worth your time (or money)? And, as a special treat for those who stick around to the end, we have a very important discussion of firefighters, tornados,

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Arc & Beeper

We are always on the lookout for new apps/services/products that have the potential to increase our efficiency or allow us to do something we haven’t been able to do before…and there has been no shortage of those lately. But, it is rare for anything truly unique to occur in our regular, everyday computing functions. In this episode, however, the Brothers discuss not one, but two exciting new apps which aim to rethink the way you perform some of our most

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August 2023 BiTS

After a few weeks off, the Brothers are back to share their latest tech suggestions that could benefit you and your family. Home automation, weight loss, harnessing the sun, and creating images…this episode covers some exciting apps and hardware. Although this episode runs a bit long (what’s new?), you will want to stick around to see which one of the Brothers will be a Jedi Knight riding a dragon. Spoiler alert…it’s Alan…but I think you probably guessed that. Alan’s Picks

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About the Brothers

Alan Jackson

Alan Jackson (the older brother) lives in works in Hickory, North Carolina as the Strategic Director of Jackson Creative and Jackson Insight. Alan specializes in creating marketing campaigns and resources for a variety of clients as well as consulting on marketing research and satisfaction surveys. In his free time, Alan runs a film society and annual film festival in Western North Carolina. Alan started his technology journey at a young age, learning to program in BASIC on an Apple IIE and being one of the first people in his area to use and master the original Macintosh. He earned extra lunch money by drawing pictures of superheroes in MacPaint and selling printouts to friends for a quarter each, officially earning him the title of the nerdiest kid at school. Alan has always enjoyed learning new technologies and helping others incorporate tech into their everyday home and work lives. Oh, and he is definitely the favorite child… no matter what his siblings suggest.

Brian Jackson

Originally from Hickory, North Carolina, Brian Jackson (the younger Brother) currently lives just outside of Portland, Oregon where he works a professor of Kinesiology at Pacific University. Academically, he is a “motor behaviorist” (studying motor skill learning and performance) who has used his passion for technology to research the use and effectiveness of a number of fitness and learning devices. He is a former coach (tennis), craft beer connoisseur (well…at least a consumer and admirer), and competitive dart player (yes…darts). Although admittedly deeply connected/invested in the Apple ecosystem, Brian enjoys finding, researching, and critiquing all types of new and creative technology solutions…and consulting others on educational and home technology practices (including trying to correct any mistakes that Alan has made with family advice). Oh, and he is definitely the favorite child…no matter what his siblings suggest.

Contact the Brothers in Tech

Have a question for the Brothers in Tech?  Or have a suggestion for a future episode?  Fill out the form below and someone will be in touch with you soon!